


The Impigno vine is an ancient vine of Apulia, although its origins are very uncertain. It could have come from Tarantino, in particular from the area of Martina Franca, from where it would end up in the current growing area, which is Brindisi. It is said that the name “Impigno” comes from the farmer who first cultivated varieties in this area, starting from the early 20th century. The berry is white, medium, with thin and soft, waxy and not very consistent skin of green amber color. The cluster is medium, simple or winged, not too compact with a medium leaf. The Impigno vine has good vigor with medium ripening and abundant production. The Impigno grape gives a wine of straw yellow color. The fragrance is fruity, the palate is dry and balanced. It is generally used in blends with other varieties from the area, such as Verdeca, Francavilla and Bianco di Alessano.

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