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Moscatello selvatico

Moscatello selvatico

Numerous scholars including Acerbi in 1825, Rovasenda in 1877, Molon in 1906 and Dalmasso in 1964 all said that the vine Moscatello selvatico belongs to the great family of Moscati, although the term Moscatello is often used to indicate grape varieties different between them. According to recent studies conducted by Crespan and Milani in 2001, Moscatello selvatico would be directly related to the Moscato di Alessandria. The major production area is the Apulian coast, from Barletta to Monopoli, in particular the area around Andria and Trani, but it also enters the Doc Moscadello of Montalcino, in Tuscany. The berry is white, medium large, round with large, yellow-green skin. The cluster is medium, tapered cylindrical, winged and compact with a medium-small, orbicular, or three-lobed leaf. The Moscatello selvatico grape gives a pale yellow wine with the particular aromatic fragrance. The taste is sweet, fresh and delicate.

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