


Nascetta is a native white grape variety of the Alba area, grown on the hills of Barolo and Novello. Rovasenda, in 1877, in his “Essay about universal ampelography” cites “Anascetta” and describes it as an “extremely delicate grapes and the best wine.”

At the time, in addition to be used in blends, the grape was used for table consumption. Sadly, over time the grape has taken a back seat and today, unfortunately, the Nascetta is grown exclusively in the municipality of Novello, and in a very limited way. Only recently some sensible winemaker has become interested in this particular grape variety and it is being cultivated and made into a wine. The Alba region, except Arneis, doesn't have any major white grape and consequently, great white wines.

The Nascetta grape has excellent oenological characteristics: recent analysis classified it as a semi-aromatic variety with a high content of aromatics. The nose of its wines is mainly formed during fermentation, as is the case of Sauvignon.

The Nascetta berry is white, medium, spheroid to ellipsoidal, short with medium thick, waxy, yellow or golden colored skin. The bunch is medium-large, cylindrical with one or rarely two wings, compact with a medium-small pentagonal leaf and has an early ripening. The grape has a medium-high and constant productivity.

The Nascetta grape produces pale yellow wines with greenish reflections. The nose is intense with floral aromas and hints of iris and acacia flowers, fruit (apple, grapefruit, and tropical fruits) and honey. In the mouth the wine is fresh with citrus notes. Thanks to its good structure, Nascetta wines are also suitable for wood ageing revealing spicy aromas and vanilla taste.

Now that you know more about the Nascetta, these are the wines we stock