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Veneto is much more than Venice or Verona, Veneto is Treviso and its Prosecco, Veneto is Lake Garda and Padua, the Dolomites and plenty of wine, from Bardolino to Amarone, from Pinot Grigio to Soave, some of the best and most known Italian wines are produced here.

Venice is recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is definitely worth a visit with its beautiful buildings and bridges and canals full of gondolas. Venice is also Piazza San Marco and the Piazzetta dominated by the church of St Mark. But Venice is also the Venetian Lagoon and its islands, including Murano, famous for its glass making.

Verona is another worldwide famous touristic destination, not only because it is the city in which the play Romeo and Juliette took place, but also for its many historical buildings, including the famous Arena, a Roman Amphitheatre constructed in the first century, which is a stunning example of Roman architecture and it is now used for spectacular open air opera performances and concerts. For all its historical buildings, Verona has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

For those who are romantic, it is worth visiting the house at Via Cappello number 23, said to be the house of the Capulet family, where Juliet’s balcony is. Many romantic traditions surround this building, with people writing love letters and attaching them to the wall or writing the names of their loved one and themselves on a lock and then fixing it to a gate at the back of the house.

Food in Veneto is varied and changes within the region, from cheeses to salami, from meat to rice, from polenta to bollito, from pandoro to tiramisu. Veneto is also the biggest Italian wine producing region and despite being slightly smaller than Italy’s other main wine-producing regions, yet it produces more wine than any of them.

Our producers from Veneto