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The Greco grape, like almost all grape varieties that contain "greco" or references to it in their name comes in all probability from Greece, but with time, the vineyards located in these areas gradually changed their characteristics based on the climate and the soil in which they were planted, it is likely, for example, that the Garganega (the main grape of Soave) and Grechetto (the basis of many Tuscan and Umbrian white) come from the original Greco. The original variety of Greco developed into two sub-varieties: the Greco Bianco, a Calabrian grape that takes its name from the village of Bianco, and the Greco, and both varieties are used in some of the finest white wines from the south of Italy and the most famous is the Greco di Tufo DOCG, made from grapes grown in an area located north of Avellino around the town of Tufo in Campania.
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